Saturday 22 October 2016

Heart has its own way

"You and I are we together till the end of time" she always told
He promised to never let her go
She loved for whatever he was
He loved her coz she had made him
She had him within her
And he had her inside him
She was that lil baby everyone wished to have but she was only his
He had that father within him whom every daughter wished to have
She made him strong when he felt weak
He made her his all time strength
When the ray of hope flickered she stood by his side
She was that light house who provided light in the sea of life
He reached the shore safely just coz of her
Even in the worst weather of her life she stood firm just for him
She was his reliable backbone on whom he could rely all the time
They were inseparable
He fought with people and turned towards her for help
She wiped his tears and consoled him in a way no one else could convince
He liked her coz she was always patient with him
Never did she lose her calm
It was just him and her who were a part of his lil world
They teased each other in a humorous way
They spoke for whole long day and never got bored
She was a never ending power house of smile, energy and faith
He was a lil child who found warmth in her company
He always longed to be with her and wished time would stop
She probably waited for a day when they would be together forever
And no one would separate them,
Not even time
He jut loved her for no reason
And she loved the fact that he loved her unconditionally
Coz love has no reasons and logic
It's just hearts way to keep them close

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