Saturday 18 May 2024

Never ending wait.

"Wait for me," she shouted...
"I won't wait." he yelled back and that's all he said. She turned back to see an over speeding car hit him, he flew in the air, fell with a thud on the ground. Blood gushed like water from his head and she went blank. Her world shattered in front of her. Yet, she gathered all her strength and ran to him, took him on her lap and called his name. "Dhruv, get up. You can't leave me like this. Dhruvvvvvv...!!!!!" Her hands, her clothes everything was soaked in his blood. Some good soul called for an ambulance and they took him away to the hospital. She was with him throughout. With some strength left, he clung to her hand as if to say that he wants to live. 

She kept talking to him constantly, his pulse kept moving up and down and somehow it dropped suddenly. He didn't hold back her hand. He didn't look at her, he didn't wanna live it felt at last. They had gone through a lot to be together and when finally they were together, destiny didn't want them to be together and enjoy themselves. He was a windower and she was unmarried. She never fell in love with anyone else except him during their college days. He married because his parents forced him to get married and when he got married to someone, he never liked her. They never spent a day like a husband and wife. 

Dhruv kept searching for his love that he had lost in college though he was married. He had lost her number somehow. Smriti was her name. The entire world was forced to address her by 'Smriti' except him. He called her "Simmi".  

The whole college knew about their love story. However, his parents remained unheard about this. She belonged to a higher strata of the society. The boys dreamt of marrying her but she dreamt of marrying only Dhruv. 

She chose to take up science, while he chose commerce. They both went to the same college till their post graduation. Confession was never done about their love. Dhruv got a job in an MNC for which he had to leave his hometown and move to Mumbai. Even the air of Mumbai couldn't reduce their love. Though they weren't in contact with each other, they lived in each other's hearts. 

Their only mistake was they didn't confess. They assumed they'd be together till the end of time. Her assumptions were short-lived when she got to know about Dhruv getting married. Dhruv hadn't even agreed and his parents had finalized the match. He came searching for her when he heard that she was in the town. Smriti finally convinced him to marry Supriya. Dhruv didn't feel anything towards her. She on the other hand was homosexual and had a girlfriend already. Dhruv knew this on the day of their wedding and agreed to stay with her so that neither his parents would force him to get married nor her life would be spoilt by some man who could not accept her original identity. Though they shared the room, they never shared the bed. They were good friends. Supriya's girlfriend too knew about Dhruv. She felt blessed to have Dhruv as their cover. He had arranged for 2 single beds in their room. They were good friends. Supriya's girlfriend too knew about Dhruv. She felt blessed to have Dhruv as their cover. No one knew about her truth. For the next 2 years, things went well and one day, both Supriya and her girlfriend were killed in an accident. Dhruv did feel a loss for a while because Supriya was the only one who knew about Dhruv's love for Smriti. 

Dhruv was alone. In spite of being married to Supriya, he was in love with Smirti. Days after his marriage, they accidentally bumped into each other at the grocery store near the nook. Their hearts did all the talking that was stored in the radio of their heart. She had come down to her hometown for somedays. 

"I work in Mumbai. What about you?" she asked.
On hearing Mumbai, his heart danced like a baby. 
"Same." He replied controlling his excitement. 
She knew him from long before she understood it all. 
"I know you're in Mumbai too. Let's meet up as soon as possible." She said and left.

His heart knew no bounds at all. A couple of days later, on the streets of Dadar, they were having vada-pav and cutting Chai for their breakfast. She had bought a home in Mumbai and they lived together in the same house. He lived in the guest room and she owned the master bedroom of the house. Nothing had changed. They were the same as they were during the college days. 

They had found love once again. The love that they'd lost during their college days. They decided to start a new life with each other. They decorated the house, they no longer felt the need to talk and discuss things with their parents for they would never understand their love. They got married and lived happily. Dear destiny had already thought of ruining their lives. 

Wait for me," she shouted...
"I won't wait." he yelled back and that's all he said. She turned back to see an over speeding car hit him, he flew in the air, fell with a thud on the ground. Blood gushed like water from his head and she went blank. Her world shattered in front of her. Yet, she gathered all her strength and ran to him, took him on her lap and called his name. "Dhruv, get up. You can't leave me like this. Dhruvvvvvv...!!!!!" Her hands, her clothes everything was soaked in his blood. Some good soul called for an ambulance and they took him away to the hospital. She was with him throughout. With some strength left, he clung to her hand as if to say that he wants to live.  

She rushed to the hospital with all her strength. 

"Doctor Singh, emergency."  She said
"Doctor Batra, he's bleeding profusely. He needs immediate operation. Come, let's proceed." Doctor Singh replied. 

At the operation theatre, she actually saw his soul leave his body unable to bear the pain, the wounds, the surgery. The accident had left his skull broken, brain injured, spinal cord displaced. Had he survived, he would be a burden he felt and that's why requested God to take him away. At the age of 50, he finally rested in peace. She finally fulfilled his dream by performing an operation on him. 
When she became a doctor, the first thing he said was - "someday, perform an operation on me as well." 
His words would keep ringing in her ears until she met him in heaven. 

Thursday 30 March 2023

Let Them Choose

Before giving career guidance counselling to children it is necessary that parents get a counselling session done. As parents, it is important for the elders to know what the child wants before pushing their wants in front of their child. After 10th, children are clueless as to what stream they are supposed to choose. If it is arts, commerce or science. As children, it is their birth right to walk up to their parents and get some suggestions. Parents are basically the mentors of the child from day one. As parents, it is your duty to suggest what is good and what is bad for your child but instead what parents tend to do is they push their unfulfilled dreams on their child which in turn kills the dream of the child. The child thinks, okay I am supposed to make my parents proud so I will do what my parents are asking me to do without realising that s/heis actually killing his or her own dream with his or her own hands. The unfulfilled dreams gradually prick the child through life till the end of  time. He or she becomes an unhappy person, spreading unhappines to the people around him or her.  It is totally okay if your child takes up commerce or science or arts. All have equal value. Let me state out the fact now, the demand for engineers has decreased over the period of time. It does not make any difference. There is competition in the world I agree but there is no competition with the cousins, with the friends, with the relatives children, with the Sharmaji ka ladka. The one and only competition is within the child.  What he or she is today and what he or she was yesterday is the only competition the child should know. As parents, we take away their freedom. We believe our parents didn't give us freedom so we will not give our child the freedom that the child needs. You have to change your thinking. The world today is not according to you, it's very fast, it's very technical, it's very tech friendly it's 

Give suggestions, beta this is this, this is this, and this is this. Be available for your child whenever he or she needs you. It may be for suggestions, for opinions, for advice, for emotional support but do not decide for them. It should be their decision which college they want to go to, which stream they want to choose, what they want to do in life. At that time, at least the child must have some clarity about what he or she wants for themselves.  We are parents. We are not the ring masters in the circus and our children are not tigers or a lion or an elephant that entertains people in the circus. Your relatives are just an audience to make fun of but you are the real support for your child. Your child will come to you when they need something and not go to Sharma ji or your relatives. Sharma ji might afford the education that he is giving to his son or daughter but it's okay there if you can't do the same. There is no compulsion that you have to put your child in the same college that Sharmaji's son is going in. You admit your child in the college of his or her choice for it will be your child there and not Sharmaji's. 

Sharma ji might be busy earning money, counting notes when his son needs something but you will always be available for your child. If your child walks up to you and says "Mumma, something is wrong. I need to talk to you." be there for your child. If your child says, "Papa I need some money for the material given in college, give them the money do not doubt on them. However, make sure you check the material that is got. See where the money is invested. Make a habit of writing down the accounts of the money spent. Keep an eye on the child but don't interfere too much. They are your children and you are a parent. They are not prisoners and you are not a jailor you know. Basically, this cycle of unfulfilled dreams keeps going on and on to the generation that are to come. You push your unfulfilled dreams on your child because your parents didn't allow you to pursue your dream. Your child will push their unfulfilled dreams on their children because you didn't allow them to fulfill their dreams.  This chain is never ending. 

Why do we have this tendency of pushing our decisions on them? Are they not humans? Don't they have the thinking capacity? Don't they have dreams? Won't they be able to choose wisely for themselves? If they make the wrong decision, be there for them. Don't taunt, don't punish, don't yell, don't shout, don't scold, just be there. If they fall, let them fall. They'll get up, walk again with baby steps. They will start all over again. If they do the things by themselves, choose what they want, and if they ever go wrong they will at least not blame you. Let them choose what they want. It's high time to normalize and accept their choices, dreams, ambitions, goals instead of pushing your dreams on them. 

Monday 20 December 2021


Parents need to normalise to accept flaws, success, failures and everything else that is related to their child. Each child is different in his or her own way and it is parents duty to understand the capacity of their own ward and let them dream.

Parents should learn to accept their child the way they are instead of comparing them with someone else in the world outside or relatives or friends for that matter. It would be way better if parents just accepted the knitting dreams of their child and be happy with their child.
Let them live life the way they want to after they have reached a certain stage in their life. Instead of forcing your dreams on them, it will be better if you as parents accept those dreams of your children and let them lead life the way they want to.

In this competitive era, it gets difficult to achieve everything in one go. Some children take baby steps and some children take huge leaps. Just because your child is not running like the other child, doesn't mean that your child doesn't give the best of his or her capacity. Your neighbor's child maybe good at academics and your child maybe good in drawing or arte or singing or something else that someone else is not good at.

Competition is there at every step and at every stage, this world is growing competitive. Just because your child is choosing Arts over Science doesn't mean that your child is not capable of anything. Maybe your child is good at literature/History/ Hindi/English and some other subject that a Science student may not be good at. Just because your child is going to Commerce field and wants to be an MBA or a CA doesn't mean that your child is any less than your neighbour's. Just because your child has done engineering and then wishes to pursue MBA and then wants to join some bank, doesn't mean that choosing Science was a waste.
Let your children choose course/careers of their choice instead of you pushing all your unfulfilled dreams on their head. It would be way better if you would let them fly, fall, get up, dust themselves, dream and learn to walk again.

Just because you couldn't fulfill your dreams at your age, doesn't  give you the right to force your dreams on your children. By making them emotionally weak and convincing them the wrong way to make your dreams theirs, you're losing your child. Telling them all your dreams over and over again, that your dreams will remain unfulfilled if they don't pursue it, you'll be getting no where. Giving them guilt trips, by compelling them to dream your dreams, ambitions, goals and just making them suffer to achieve your dreams, will get you nothing but distance between you and your child.

Dreams are dreams after all be it yours or be it your child's. Just for you, they have to sacrifice their dream isn't right. Is it? You as parents have sacrificed a lot so have they given upon things you might not know it because they never told out in the open about sacrificing something for you. Just to make you happy, to keep you away from worries, they might agree to dream what you have dreamt of, but what about their ambitions? Have you thought about it? What about those simple dreams that they've sewed for themselves?
You couldn't fulfill your dreams when you were of their age doesn't mean you force all your dreams on them and continue the chain for generations together.
Just like how you have dreamt something for them, they too have them something for themselves. Just because you don't support them, maybe they will accept your dreams as their dreams and pursue but you really think by pursuing your dreams, they will be happy? You think it'll be a good choice?
Maybe your parents didn't allow you, didn't have your back but it doesn't mean that you don't support your children too. Back then, when you were of their age, when you were young, the conditions might have been different, the education system was not as strong as it is right now. Maybe your parents were not financially capable of helping you achieve your dreams but if you are financially strong and able then why not let your  children pursue their dream?
It may take a little longer for your child to achieve his or her dream than it took for someone else. Or who knows someone else might not even know what they want from life let alone living their dream but your child at least knows where his or her happiness lies. At least, your child is running after his or her dream.
There are many children out in the world who compromise from the day they are born to the last day, be happy that at least your child has never learnt compromising on their dreams that they have dreamt of from the time they have learnt what the world is. 
You compromised may be your  partner did too that doesn't mean your child also should adjust. Does it?
If you are capable of helping your child achieve his or her dream, then why not break the stereotype of forcing your unfulfilled dreams on them?
Tomorrow when your child is of your age, your child will be proud enough to say that "my parents helped me achieve my dream, my parents supported me to become the person I am today" and maybe your child will help his or her child to be the person of their choice.
In the era where money matters a lot more than peace of mind, be satisfied that your child is choosing peace of mind over monetary terms.
It's not very often that someone chooses peace of mind over money if your child is pursuing peace of mind, calm, satisfaction for a less amount of money maybe you're lucky you know.
If your child comes and shares the idea of their dream with you, may be your child is sorted and knows where his or her serenity lies. It's not always that dreams are fulfilled. The society isn't bringing up your child, you are. So your child will share things with you and not with the society. Forget what the society will talk about you, your family and child; make sure to preserve your child's dream, help your child in pursuing as well as achieve it. 
Be the change and see how the world changes slowly.

Saturday 14 August 2021

Don't wish me 'Happy Independence Day'

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you still poke your nose
in other's life and their business.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you still feel it's okay
to harass a child of your family.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you still choose to disrespect
a woman who toils day and night.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you feel girl's belong to the kitchen
and boy's are for desk jobs.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you pass comments when
you see a girl and a boy together.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you're still a prisoner
of your others thoughts about you.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you think education gives you
the right to look down on someone else.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you can't respect our national flag
and people who fought for it.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you're one of those who manages
to ruin someone else's peace
for your own satisfaction.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you don't know the value
of the lady who gave you birth.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you happy after making
someone cry for no reason at all.

Don't wish me
Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you still poke your nose
in other's life and their business.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you still feel it's okay to harass
a child of your family.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you still choose to disrespect
a woman who toils day and night.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you feel girl's belong to the kitchen
and boy's are for desk jobs.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you pass comments when
you see a girl and a boy together.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you're still a prisoner
of your own thoughts.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you think education gives you
the right to look down on someone else.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you can't respect our national flag
and people who fought for it.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you're one of those who manages
to ruin someone else's peace
for your own satisfaction.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you don't know the value
of the lady who gave you birth.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you wear a tricolor for 2 days
in the entire year and forget about freedom.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you still poke your nose
in other's life and their business.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you still feel it's okay to harass
a child of your family.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you still choose to disrespect
a woman who toils day and night.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you feel girl's belong to the kitchen
and boy's are for desk jobs.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you pass comments when
you see a girl and a boy together.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you're still a prisoner
of your own thoughts.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you think education gives you
the right to look down on someone else.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you can't respect our national flag
and people who fought for it.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you're one of those who manages
to ruin someone else's peace
for your own satisfaction.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you don't know the value
of the lady who gave you birth.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you silently watch a girl getting eve teased
and don't move an inch to help her.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you still poke your nose
in other's life and their business.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you still feel it's okay to harass
a child of your family.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you still choose to disrespect
a woman who toils day and night.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you feel girl's belong to the kitchen
and boy's are for desk jobs.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you pass comments when
you see a girl and a boy together.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you're still a prisoner
of your own thoughts.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you think education gives you
the right to look down on someone else.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you can't respect our national flag
and people who fought for it.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you're one of those who manages
to ruin someone else's peace
for your own satisfaction.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if you don't know the value
of the lady who gave you birth.

Don't wish me
'Happy Independence Day'
if a lady/girl/baby isn't safe
in the broad day light as well.

We're not independent yet,
girls are still suffering,
they're still suppressed,
harassed, raped, killed, murdered
and you wish me 'Happy Independence Day' 
If a girl isn't safe, we're still not independent.

 Today we're celebrating 75 years of independence but are we actually independent? Are we actually free? Are we safe? Are we equal? 

We're still prisoner's of someone else's thoughts.
We still think about 'log kya kahenge?'
We still pass comments about a boy and a girl.
We still bother to poke our nose
in someone else's life for no reason.
We still believe that we're independent
In spite of being caged to many things.

Tuesday 24 March 2020


Waiting to be savoured
With the flavours of love
Love, I await you as if there's no end
To this wait, I'm waiting
The shooting star fulfills someone's wishes
As usual I hum my favourite song
I wish to have you as my home forever
Where I can come forever
No matter how good or bad my day will be
Being with you brings me peace
Eventually I wish to doze off
In your arms while you caress my hair
Kissing my forehead, when you wish to leave
In my deep sleep I tend to hug you much tighter
And eventually pull you back to me
Sleeping like a baby whole night
You just lie down and stare at me sleep


Everyone Hummed hymns of bravery
Without knowing what actually it cost her
To be rebellious like a child
To be completely opposite
of what was expected from her
To be a different person altogether
To be something that she wanted to be
People still comment unconditionally
Some love her much more than before
She has fought battles in silence
Without showing her wounds and scars
She has been constantly underestimated
Always pricked by people for being strong
Ultimatum she gave by breaking her silence
After years she had spoken
And took a stand for her own self
Now she stands at a level
Wherein people try to pull her down
But fall off and die an untimely death
Even though they're alive, breathing
For her, they're dead long back

Wednesday 26 February 2020

You don't belong to me anymore

You don't belong to me anymore
You're hers, you belong to her
You were my past and her present
She has left everything for you

You don't belong to me anymore
To be with you she has been waiting
To take 7 vows she has been joyous
To promise you to be with you, she's left her everything behind

You don't belong to me anymore
She's your wife, girlfriend, best friend
And everything else that she can be
Accept her and move on in life

You don't belong to me anymore
You can't call me whenever you want
Because she's with you, next to you
Sleeping peacefully like a baby

You don't belong to me anymore
Everything that we shared, 
The bond, relationship, care, rights and you
Everything is hers now,  nothing's mine

You don't belong to me anymore
You can't cling to me and pull her down
You shouldn't push her into water
Just to stay afloat with me

You don't belong to me anymore
Love and trust ended long back ago
Friendship wasn't there at all
Even tears have dried up now from my eyes

You don't belong to me anymore
You aren't my go to home like before
You can't cheat on her by talking to me
In her absence or her distance from you

You don't belong to me anymore
I won't cry for you to come 
For I know you can't come back
And mainly I don't want you to be back

You don't belong to me anymore
The shooting star finally fulfilled my wish
You're happy with someone else
And I'll pray for your prosperity always

You don't belong to me anymore
Neither you have the authority to raise your voice
Nor do you have the audacity to question me
She's your everything and only she should be