Give suggestions, beta this is this, this is this, and this is this. Be available for your child whenever he or she needs you. It may be for suggestions, for opinions, for advice, for emotional support but do not decide for them. It should be their decision which college they want to go to, which stream they want to choose, what they want to do in life. At that time, at least the child must have some clarity about what he or she wants for themselves. We are parents. We are not the ring masters in the circus and our children are not tigers or a lion or an elephant that entertains people in the circus. Your relatives are just an audience to make fun of but you are the real support for your child. Your child will come to you when they need something and not go to Sharma ji or your relatives. Sharma ji might afford the education that he is giving to his son or daughter but it's okay there if you can't do the same. There is no compulsion that you have to put your child in the same college that Sharmaji's son is going in. You admit your child in the college of his or her choice for it will be your child there and not Sharmaji's.
Sharma ji might be busy earning money, counting notes when his son needs something but you will always be available for your child. If your child walks up to you and says "Mumma, something is wrong. I need to talk to you." be there for your child. If your child says, "Papa I need some money for the material given in college, give them the money do not doubt on them. However, make sure you check the material that is got. See where the money is invested. Make a habit of writing down the accounts of the money spent. Keep an eye on the child but don't interfere too much. They are your children and you are a parent. They are not prisoners and you are not a jailor you know. Basically, this cycle of unfulfilled dreams keeps going on and on to the generation that are to come. You push your unfulfilled dreams on your child because your parents didn't allow you to pursue your dream. Your child will push their unfulfilled dreams on their children because you didn't allow them to fulfill their dreams. This chain is never ending.
Why do we have this tendency of pushing our decisions on them? Are they not humans? Don't they have the thinking capacity? Don't they have dreams? Won't they be able to choose wisely for themselves? If they make the wrong decision, be there for them. Don't taunt, don't punish, don't yell, don't shout, don't scold, just be there. If they fall, let them fall. They'll get up, walk again with baby steps. They will start all over again. If they do the things by themselves, choose what they want, and if they ever go wrong they will at least not blame you. Let them choose what they want. It's high time to normalize and accept their choices, dreams, ambitions, goals instead of pushing your dreams on them.
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