There is lack of kind
The kind of kind that
literally melts hearts
There is lack of faith
The faith in Lord, people
And also in one's own conscience
There is lack of Charity
The Charity that gives blessings
In return for giving away something
There is lack of smile
The smile that stays there
Forever, for generations
There is lack of communication
The communication that communicates
Much of love, care rather than hate
There is lack of happiness
The happiness that prevails
For another lifetime and more
There is lack of reality
The reality that reveals
One's true and pure self
There is lack of humanity
The humanity that doesn't divide people
Instead brings together as a whole
There is lack of talks
The talks that are heart to heart
And all real, soulful and true
There is lack of shine
The shine that makes eyes glitter
And soul smile from ear to ear
There is lack of appreciation
The appreciation which is genuine
With no harsh and tattered words
There is lack of trust
The trust that makes God happy
In people and on Almighty himself we don't trust
There is lack of love
The love that comes with no tags
No selfish motives and without conditions
There is lack of confidence
The confidence that
will get success along each time
There is lack of tolerance
The tolerance which is tested
By our very own people all the time
There is lack of patience
The patience that is lost somewhere
Behind the curtain of time
There is lack of Unity
That we all fail to realize
And fall as separate parts
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