Wednesday, 26 February 2020

You don't belong to me anymore

You don't belong to me anymore
You're hers, you belong to her
You were my past and her present
She has left everything for you

You don't belong to me anymore
To be with you she has been waiting
To take 7 vows she has been joyous
To promise you to be with you, she's left her everything behind

You don't belong to me anymore
She's your wife, girlfriend, best friend
And everything else that she can be
Accept her and move on in life

You don't belong to me anymore
You can't call me whenever you want
Because she's with you, next to you
Sleeping peacefully like a baby

You don't belong to me anymore
Everything that we shared, 
The bond, relationship, care, rights and you
Everything is hers now,  nothing's mine

You don't belong to me anymore
You can't cling to me and pull her down
You shouldn't push her into water
Just to stay afloat with me

You don't belong to me anymore
Love and trust ended long back ago
Friendship wasn't there at all
Even tears have dried up now from my eyes

You don't belong to me anymore
You aren't my go to home like before
You can't cheat on her by talking to me
In her absence or her distance from you

You don't belong to me anymore
I won't cry for you to come 
For I know you can't come back
And mainly I don't want you to be back

You don't belong to me anymore
The shooting star finally fulfilled my wish
You're happy with someone else
And I'll pray for your prosperity always

You don't belong to me anymore
Neither you have the authority to raise your voice
Nor do you have the audacity to question me
She's your everything and only she should be

Us- You, Me and Her

I held back my feelings
Which I have had for you
Each time I saw you, 
I lost a lil bit of me
Each time I saw her with you,
A piece of my soul shattered
Every time you were with me,
She was present there too
It killed me to hold my feelings back
All the rights I felt I had on you,
She was the one who showed authority on you
The late night talks were the only means
For me to talk to you, to hear you out
I was afraid of losing our friendship
I didn't confess my love for you
Because she would break and shatter
I held my heart caged when it was you
Whom I was supposed to talk to
She liked you to the core
And I knew my feelings were beyond like
Reciprocation of feelings I felt at times
But then may be it wasn't for me I thought
Remember those afternoons
When we'd go to beaches?
I yearned to be with you, walk with you
But she was with you walking, talking
Remember those days when I used to cook just for you?
I wished to talk to you while cooking
You spoke as well but to her
That one strand of hair irritated me always
While I was busy doing my work
I wanted you to tuck it behind my ear
I didn't want any one night stand at all
But the lil romantic cherishable things
I wished from the bottom of my heart
You chopping and cooking for me
Or feeding me the food while I spoke non stop
Hugging me from behind and helping me chop
All the time, she was there
I yearned to hold your hands
Entwine our fingers and walk away on the sea shore
I don't know if it's love or jealousy or attraction
But yes, I died a silent death each time I saw you with her

Saturday, 22 February 2020

Little of Everything

There is lack of kind
The kind of kind that
literally melts hearts

There is lack of faith
The faith in Lord, people
And also in one's own conscience

There is lack of Charity
The Charity that gives blessings
In return for giving away something

There is lack of smile
The smile that stays there
Forever, for generations

There is lack of communication
The communication that communicates
Much of love, care rather than hate

There is lack of happiness
The happiness that prevails
For another lifetime and more

There is lack of reality
The reality that reveals
One's true and pure self

There is lack of humanity
The humanity that doesn't divide people
Instead brings together as a whole

There is lack of talks
The talks that are heart to heart
And all real, soulful and true

There is lack of shine
The shine that makes eyes glitter
And soul smile from ear to ear

There is lack of appreciation
The appreciation which is genuine
With no harsh and tattered words

There is lack of trust
The trust that makes God happy
In people and on Almighty himself we don't trust

There is lack of love
The love that comes with no tags
No selfish motives and without conditions

There is lack of confidence
The confidence that
will get success along each time

There is lack of tolerance
The tolerance which is tested
By our very own people all the time

There is lack of patience
The patience that is lost somewhere
Behind the curtain of time

There is lack of Unity
That we all fail to realize
And fall as separate parts