Thursday, 18 May 2017


One of the purest form of relationship between two individuals which later becomes a relationship between two souls : "MARRIAGE"
           Marriage is a connection between souls once it is decided. Engagement is wherein the souls know each other and slowly get to understand one another. Many a times people tend to think that getting a person married is the best way to bring them on the track of responsibilities but that's when they commit a mistake, a biggest one rather.
Get a person married only when s/he is ready to carry all the responsibilities that comes after marriage on their shoulders with complete caution and not when you feel is right. It's a life time commitment.
    For people, society matters more than their child or family.
A girl should get married by 23 or else she won't conceive is what people say when asked about their opinion on the right age for girls to get married. 
    Most of the time, a girl's dreams are curbed in order to get a good groom suitable for her.
Why always a girl is expected to sacrifice all her dreams for the sake of a relationship?
How easily he said and walked away "Quit your job. I don't want you to work." Did he even think about her? Did he even know that she too had some dreams to fulfill?
    Does the family think about what the girl wants??
Why does the family and the so called relatives poke their nose in the life of a girl? Why do people manipulate her parents and convince them about their point of view?
          A girl is more likely to be rejected coz she is well qualified than the boy which the boy's side is usually called 'overqualified'. When a girl doesn't reject the guy who is well educated why does the boy reject a well qualified girl?
Any explanation doesn't justify this stupidity in our society. Marriage is never a mistake it's either a good experience or a bad one. Some people even blame their spouse for an unsuccessful marriage and some blame their parents. It's ultimately ones own decision at the end.  
      Before marring one needs to decide if s/he is capable of taking up the responsibilities or not, taking a stand for your own self is equally important.
  Marriages are decided in heaven and a formality to tie them in a relation is done on earth they say.
        Forcing a girl to marry at the age 23 will not gain anyone anything coz thats the age when she has a dream of securing her future, will be busy making a career for herself and parents force her to get married that's when they make her quit her job, make her shatter her dreams just for a relationship.
        Marriage is a relationship of souls not bodies,
It's a bond of hearts more than a relation of two bodies
Marriage is a purest form of relation between two individuals more than two families.
Marriage is everything if it's a good one with the right person but it also has the capacity to ruin everything if it's with a wrong person.


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