My dear baby,
Mumma misses you a lot. You know i have faced things in my life mostly what i have faced is trust issues but the problem is my parents don't see it. They feel just coz they have provided me with every luxury i shouldn't have any issues. But unfortunately they have never been my friends. They say mother is daughter's best friend but in my case forget best friend my mother never tried to befriend me in the first place. My mom always doubted me for every silly thing. Now a days my words also prick their ears even if I just talk normally, they feel i am yelling at them, i am angry which isn't true. I too have my limits, I too can get irritated, i too have patience. The more patience i show, the more they test it. Is being impatient at times is a crime? It's not that i don't love them but even love has limits.
Having them as my parents, i feel lucky sometimes but sometimes i wish they would understand me.
The bridge of understanding never built between me and my parents but it won't be the same with you and me.